LIVOKALP -Plus Syrup
LIVOKALP -Plus Syrup
Livo Kalp plus syrup strengthens, rejuvenates and re utilizes liver tissues and cells, it possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiviral and antibacterial properties, and enhances the digestive capacity. It is the best liver tonic for post-viral infections. It is also a complete liver health caretaker.
Inside the back, there is a 10 gram container containing
5 gram Purnarava Mandur 5 gram parval panchamrit patient to have mixed the Powder to syrup.
Ingredients each 450 ml syrup contains:
1.Sharapunkha (Tephosia purpuree) 100 mg
2.Purnanava(Boerhavia Diffusa) 80 mg
3.Kakamachi (Solanum Nigrum) 65 mg
4.Kutki (Picrorhiga kurror) 10 mg
5.Kalmegh (Androgaphis Paniculata) 25 mg
6.Haridra (Curcuma longa) 25 mg
7.Chitral (plumbago zeylanica) 25 mg
8.Pippal (piper longum) 10mg
9.Giloya (tinospora cordifolia) 50 mg
10.Rohitak (Tecomellia undulata) 32 mg
11.Orange flavor : QS
Excipients: sugar QS
Methyl paraben sodium 0.5% w/w
propyle paraben sodium 0.05% w/w
Acute and chronic hepatitis, viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver damage, and drug-induced liver damage.